Alaska Herrin's Genealogy SiteAdd a message : Alaska Herrins Genealogy Site : Search
There are now 13 messages in our guestbook.
Viewing messages 1 to 13.
Message 1 - Spotmom
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Welcome to the Alaska Herrin's Genealogy Website Guest Book!
I'd love to hear if you found anything useful here, or if something needs improvement, all constructive criticism accepted.
Due to spammers and scammers this book is moderated and posts must be approved.
Tuesday 2009 /11/1022:39:31 - Alaska

Message 2 - Nancy G Van Valkenburgh
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Glad I found you!
Thursday 2009 /12/306:40:23 - Huntsville, Alabama

Message 3 - Sandra Van Valkenburg
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Nancy VV & I are friends. I would to look at your site. Thanks
Thursday 2009 /12/1000:32:50 - Provo, Utah
Webmaster comments
I was working on the site this morning so it was down for about 2 hours. It should be working now. |

Message 4 - Jessica Neipling Rubeo
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I am interested in where you got the Name Fredrick McKarg Neipling who was married to Linnie White which according to their wedding announcement is accurate which we found when going through old picture's. However, all documentation i can find is Fredrick H Neipling. Can you help?
Tuesday 2011 /01/1806:23:43 - Indiana
Webmaster comments
I have forwarded your question on to the people I got the information on and I am waiting for a reply.
If you have sources and more information for this family I would be happy to correct and integrate them to the website. |

Message 5 - Sharon Jabens
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I think Kate McColley Hall was my great grandfather, John B. McColley's sister and that he married Emma Louise Hall, a sister to Kate's husband.
Tuesday 2011 /04/2600:34:35 - Omaha, Nebraska

Message 6 - Sharon Jabens
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I don't understand where the connection is with theMcColley family tree is with Herrin family tree. Can you please clear that up for me?
Tuesday 2011 /10/1806:01:29 - Omaha, Nebraska
Webmaster comments
The McColley tree is not directly related to the Herrin tree, they are ralated to my direct family and I am married into the Herrin family. So they are both in my genealogy, even though they are not directly related. |

Message 7 - Amanda Thompson
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Hello, I am a descended Archibald Thompson. I was tryinging figugre out how you link him to Elsewick family line. And also when searching i found Sherrie hall name popping up can you have her contact me also. thank you so much.
Monday 2012 /04/903:03:26 - wv
Webmaster comments
I went through the tree and I can find an Archibald Thompson, but it looks like a pretty mess line with many name possibilities in the spelling of the last name.
I can't calculate out any direct realtionship to me. I also don't find any Elsewick in my tree. Hmm.
I assume Sherri Hall is listed in my sources somewhere, but I can't find it. I do not know her personally so I do not have her address.
Can you fill me in as to what part of my web page the names came from so I can see where they are? I am not finding them in the master files. |

Message 8 - Betty Barrow
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I found your website because of Walter Carlton Harris and Letitia Harris, my grandparents. I have more information on the Harrises if you are interested - my father James Radcliffe Harris had 8 children. Where did you get all the information about the Ogdens which eventually leads to the Harrises?
Thursday 2013 /03/1423:27:15 - Pennsylvania
Webmaster comments
My husband descends from the Ogden line so I got most of that information from his mom and aunt. I got some from various websites (so authenticity is not guaranteed).
When I first started I did not have the knowledge to state sources so I don't even know where some of it came from! If it is later information it will have my sources stated there on the website. If you would like to add info you can email it to me from the link on the website. If I get it added in you will be put down as the source so others can possibly contact you on your lines. If you want your email address listed, that is. |

Message 9 - Nelda Erwin Conant
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I am looking for my cousin Linda Pearl Hutton. I found Paula Milinda Nix and Paul Elliott Nix children to Father's Name: Dennis Elliott Nix Mother's Name: Linda Pearl Hutton . Linda also had another son Johnny Lee Lewis . Hope to hear ! Thank You
Monday 2013 /07/822:37:22 - Arizona
Webmaster comments
Because the Nixes are a sideline what I have on them here on my site is all I have. The only thing different with my personal files is that I may have dates for some, but I privatize files for the living before I put them on the website. I have no idea where to find them other than most of the Nix's I know about were in Texas. |

Message 10 - kimberly cook
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I am a herrin. I don't know much about my family besides we always split up. Also when anyone tried to find information out no one would tell them. I am from alabama. If you find out about family their I can only tell you to the point of my great grand father. The rest no one knows just that he had two siblings who went on to texas and lousiana.
Tuesday 2014 /02/1808:50:04 - huntsville alabama

Message 11 - Julie Bower
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My husband is a descendent of Benedict Bower. Are you? And which one if so. OT was his grandpa
Monday 2019 /02/404:21:30 - Sioux City ia
Webmaster comments
I am a descendant of Benedict Bower, his son Joseph's line. http://www.alaskaherrins.com/Gedcom_files/Van%20V%20pages/grpf0055.html Didn't you have a website at one time on Rootsweb? Or a newsletter? The name is familiar. |

Message 12 - Steve Stringfellow
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The Stringfellow line is very accurate. Great job. I wish I knew the connection.
Saturday 2021 /07/1709:04:54 - Overland Park, Kansas

Message 13 - Jerry L. Bassett
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I have some info on the Isaac Hendricks family. My parents were Clint Holt and Grace Mullens Holt. My father's family is related to the Hendricks. Very nice site. Thank you for sharing. jb
Thursday 2021 /10/1423:27:18